Business Strategy
Non-Operating Exploration and Production
Mainstream Investors participates as a non-operating working interest owner in oil and gas production in the Bakken Shale and Three Forks play. A Company that holds a majority interest in a drilling unit, known as the operating company, is responsible for the actual design, drilling and operation of the well. A non-operating company participates in wells proportionate to its leasehold interest in each drilling unit that is drilled by its operating partner. For example, if Mainstream Investors owns leases on 128 acres in a 1280-acre drilling unit, Mainstream Investors would hold a 10% working interest in any well drilled in that unit and would proportionately share in both the costs and income generated by those wells. As a non-operating working interest owner, Mainstream does not carry the high operating and overhead costs of its operating partners, allowing it to focus capital on acreage acquisition and well development. Experienced Analysis and Disciplined ExecutionOur leadership team possesses experience within the oil and gas industry in the Williston Basin dating back to the 1970's. This varied experience includes well drilling, production, field operations, reservoir analysis and engineering, well design, oil and gas reserves study, oil property evaluations and appraisals, and well service operations. This vast base of knowledge and experience has been used to develop the processes and tools used for evaluating leasehold and asset acquisition for the company.